However, there are some games which can easily be tweaked with xposed installer or game guardian. The bluestacks supports multitasking that means you can play more than one game simultaneously. Now your bluestacks emulator is successfully rooted by using bs tweaker.Īs there are thousands of android emulators which you can find across the web for playing games, but no emulator can compete with the bluestacks. After that, navigate to the “Helper” tab and then click on “Patch“.You have to wait until the bluestacks get started.Then navigate to “Main tab” and then click on “Start BS“.Now you have to navigate to “Helper Tab” and then click on “Unblock”.Afterwards, you have to wait until the ADB indicators and BlueStacks turn into red.Then you have to select ‘Main option’ and then click on ‘Force Kill BS’. Afterwards, you will have several options at the top of the app.Just right click on the executable file and then tap ‘run as administrator’. Download BS-Tweaker on your Windows computer.
How to root BlueStacks 2, 3, 4 using BS Tweaker Spoof IMEI: You can easily change the IMEI number, Donkeyguard number of your bluestacks emulator, if the device is rooted.
Hacking: You can install metasploit to hack your neighbour wifi.Game Guardian uses Luna scripting to enhance the power of automation. Game Guardian: You can easily cheat the game like PUBG by using game guardian.Linux terminal: You can try linux commands on your android device.You can easily replace the default ROM with any advance ROM.